Given my preexisting discrimination against mouth-breathers, it would be a no-brainer to assume I would never date one and I never had any intention of proving that assumption wrong. I began dating a guy who by all other accounts has his act together (at least in terms of most 20-something year olds), but the one trait that I just cannot look beyond is his mouth-breathing. At first I gave him the benefit of the doubt; he was just getting over a cold and I thought, “well maybe this is just the residual stuffy-nose.” I figured eventually, it would wear off and he would resume breathing normally. As the weeks have progressed, there is little sign that his mouth-breathing is just a temporary phenomenon. Instead, I catch myself staring at his mouth, examining each breath, almost as if I can see them like in a cartoon where the smelly kid is radiating stink lines. Each breath becomes like one of those silent elevator farts that everyone who is trapped in the confined space seems to notice, but no one is about to call anyone out on it. Instead, everyone holds their breath and braces for the doors to open.
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