The seven of us arrived in Mexico pale, clueless, and in severe need of a drink. We had a skeletal game plan in mind: get ourselves to Mexico, drive two hours in a foreign country to a beach house none of us had seen, load up on food and drinks somewhere along the way, park it on the beach, make it out alive.

This adventure was one that I happened to stumble into during a last minute trip home to Buffalo. Over several rounds of drinks the plan unfolded. Less than a week later I solidified my drunken promise and purchased an airline ticket and incredibly enough it all went off flawlessly. My only complaint would be that it ended too quickly.
During this time, I was forced to leave everything behind whether I wanted to or not. There was no Internet and no cell phone reception and I am endlessly thankful for that.

I spent this trip with a group of people who put me back in touch with where I come from, who celebrate the Buffalo long A, who are not above eating hot dogs meal after meal. They reminded me that a work deadline is not life or death and in the larger picture there are infinitely more important things.
We kept ourselves busy alternating between the beach, the private pool, grilling, snorkeling in a cenote, seeing the Mayan ruins at Tulum, drinking, and of course laughing until it hurt.